Review ID: 41678
Review Text: An excellent form fitting case. The use of form fitting cases for laptops in general for the most part is not really a top of mind thought of users unlike one who would protect his or her cell phone. Usually one would have a laptop bag or atr least a laptop sleeve which would practically fit a laptop depending on screen size. Form fitting cases are really not much of an option that comes to mind. But then again an investment concerning protection for your investment is always a good so especially if you are talking about an expensive laptop such as a Macbook Air or a Macbook Pro. Here comes the Insignia Macbook AIR 13.3" Hardshell Case. Designed to fit Macbook Airs released in 2018-2020, this is a custom designed form fitting case. Do note that there are other models for other Macbook models. So be sure to purchase the right one for your laptop. This case is simply straightforward to install in your Macbook. Comprised of two pieces, just clamp o lock them in the top and bottom of your and you are good to go. Do note that while it is labeled as clear the case itself is actually more of a translucent plastic similar to Tupperware plastic. For me this is better since this type of plastic is a bit flexible making it less prone to cracks and scratches. Most clear cases I have seen have the crystal clear plastic and is more brittle. I prefer this one more. And while form fitting cases are not for everyone, I really like the design of this case as it is more practical IMO and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a form fitting case for their Macbook.
Gold Attribute: {'Color Category': 'clear', 'Laptop Bag Type': 'case', 'Brand': 'insignia(tm)', 'Model Number': 'ns-mba13hcc'}
Review Image:Product Title: Insignia(tm) - Frosted Clear Hard-Shell Case for 2016-2020 and 2022 MacBook Pro 13" - Frosted Clear