Review ID: 42850

Review Text: So far my granddaughter loves it!. I purchased this case for my three year old granddaughter's iPad. The case fits perfectly leaving her iPad well protected. The case had foldable legs that allows the case to stand and a handle so it is easy for her to carry her iPad.

Gold Attribute: {'Case Style': 'case', 'Brand': 'saharacase', 'Color Category': 'red'}

Review Image:
  1. Product Title: SaharaCase - YES! Series KidProof Case for Apple iPad mini (6th Generation 2021) - Red

    1. "Model Compatibility" : "Apple iPad mini (6th Generation 2021)",
    2. "Product Name" : "YES! Series KidProof Case for Apple iPad mini (6th Generation 2021)",
    3. "Brand" : "SaharaCase",
    4. "Material" : "EVA foam, rubber",
    5. "Model Number" : "TB00058",
    6. "Color" : "Red",
    7. "Color Category" : "Red",
    8. "Brand Compatibility" : "Apple",
    9. "Case Style" : "Case",
    10. "Play-Through Design" : "Yes",
    11. "Camera Cutout(s)" : "Yes",
    12. "Shock Absorbent" : "Yes",
    13. "Impact Resistant" : "Yes",
    14. "Integrated Stand" : "Yes",
    15. "Port Style" : "Open",
    16. "Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts" : "1 year",
    17. "Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor" : "1 year",
    18. "UPC" : "810050767156",