Review ID: 50754
Review Text: The Best Coffee!!. The Cafe Drip coffee maker is the champion of drip coffee makers I have ever been introduced to. Right out the box the machine produces the best tasting coffee with its "Gold" Brew Standard but what makes it fun is being able to select different brews, especially going to a light brew for people who dont like strong coffee. I also have the option of changing the temperature which makes all the difference when you want that full aroma and taste to be released and extracted. I really am impressed with this coffee maker since it makes the best coffee but I can do it from my bed when i wake up in the morning with auto-brew or using my app which also works with my Google assistant!! ITS AMAZING and makes my day go easier. It should also be noted that this coffee maker produces coffee pretty fast so no waiting around long time which I love. I recommend this to my coffee lovers, you will not be disappointed!!
Gold Attribute: {'Brand': 'cafe', 'Coffee Preparation Method': 'drip'}
Review Image:Product Title: Cafe - Smart Drip 10-Cup Coffee Maker with WiFi - Brushed Stainless