Review ID: 53004
Review Text: Clean Your Air Quietly and Effectively. I love the new Bespoke Cube Air Purifier from Samsung. I already owned two of the older version Cube air purifiers from Samsung but I wanted one for a different room in my house so I got this one. There isn't a whole lot different from the older models, but that's okay because those were already great! The Bespoke has a pet filter that is new. It basically adds one more layer of filter (in the form of a vinyl mesh sheet) to gather pet hair and dander and prevent it from going into the machinery. It should be cleaned every two weeks or so. I'm not crazy about that part. I wish I could just leave it and forget it, but if it helps with longevity, I guess it'll be worth it. The pet filter should be a nice addition for me and my four pets. The display seems a little less bright than the older model too, which is good at night in a bedroom because I don't like bright LED's in the room. The display doesn't add too much light, but is still easily read. The sound, when it's running on low, is almost non-existent. When it's doing heavy duty air cleaning, it gets a little louder, but It's never an annoying or disturbing sound in any way. It's actually a soothing "whoosh" sound. The filters can last up to a year and do an excellent job of clearing out any odors from pets or cooking; leaving nice, neutral smelling air. You do have to buy new air filters as opposed to cleaning and replacing the old ones, so that is a future expense to keep in mind. They aren't cheap either. The display always lets you know what your air quality is like too, which is nice for peace of mind. The front of the Bespoke is a little busy, with its metallic alternating line patterns. It doesn't bother me though and looks kind of modern. This is by far the best air purifier I've tried (and I've tried several different brands). It has a fantastic combination of function, form, and build quality. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to breath cleaner, better smelling air in their home.
Gold Attribute: {'Product Name': 'bespoke cube air purifier', 'Brand': 'samsung'}
Review Image:Product Title: Samsung - BESPOKE Cube Air Purifier - Gray