Review ID: 15764

Review Text: My spoiled grandson loves it!. Hover-1 My First Hoverboard Combo - Black I got this hoverboard combo for my grandson. He lives a little more than an hour from me and when I told him over the phone he jumped at the chance to spend the weekend with us. He got to our place on a Friday night too late to do anything with it. But he was up bright and early on Saturday eager to try it out. I charge it before he got here so it was ready to go. He ran it up and down the sidewalk in front of our house for most of the morning and finally took a break for lunch. At that time I recharged the hoverboard while we ate. It was getting a little hot in the afternoon so he accepted an offer to go swimming at the neighbor's pool. As soon as he got home, he wanted to ride again. We took the hoverboard up to the school parking lot after dinner and he rode up there until it got dark. He had a lot more room up and there and he was laughing and smiling the whole time. He also rode quite a bit Sunday afternoon until it was time for him to go home. I intended to keep the hoverboard here at the house - but this is my grandson. So we allowed him to take it home and his dad tells me he is on it everyday. So overall I would say the stamp of approval came from my grandson. I think he would give it 5 stars. The weight limit is 80 pounds so he should get use out of it for a few years. The top speed is 5 miles and hour and the battery seems to last almost 2 hours.

Gold Attribute: {'Color': 'black', 'Product Name': 'hover-1 my first hoverboard combo', 'Brand': 'hover-1', 'Color Category': 'black', 'Maximum Weight Capacity': '80 pounds', 'Model Number': 'h1-mfh-cmb'}

Review Image:
  1. Product Title: Hover-1 My First Hoverboard Combo - Black

    1. "Product Weight" : "11.5 pounds",
    2. "Battery Charge Time" : "5 hours",
    3. "Maximum Operating Range" : "3 miles",
    4. "Maximum Speed" : "5 miles per hour",
    5. "Color" : "Black",
    6. "Product Name" : "Hover-1 My First Hoverboard Combo",
    7. "Brand" : "Hover-1",
    8. "Model Number" : "H1-MFH-CMB",
    9. "Color Category" : "Black",
    10. "Product Height" : "23.30 inches",
    11. "Product Length" : "8.98 inches",
    12. "Product Width" : "22.04 inches",
    13. "Maximum Weight Capacity" : "80 pounds",
    14. "Power" : "24 volts",
    15. "Powered" : "Yes",
    16. "Number of Batteries Required" : "0",
    17. "Batteries Included" : "Yes",
    18. "Battery Size" : "25.2V",
    19. "Rechargeable Battery" : "Yes",
    20. "Battery Charger Included" : "Yes",
    21. "Removable Battery" : "No",
    22. "Assembly Required" : "Yes",
    23. "Number Of Wheels" : "3",
    24. "Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts" : "90",
    25. "Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor" : "90",
    26. "UPC" : "888255268396",