Review ID: 15766
Review Text: Good concept but not what I had hoped. My grandson has never had a hoverboard and is not the most "adventurous" child so I thought this would be a fun way for him to ride around. It was not quite what I expected. He does love the hoverboard and has gotten quite good on just that alone without the cart. When he tries the cart, he feels like he can't stop and I have to chase after him and turn off the hoverboard. We tried this several times and each time he pulled back on the handles to stop but it did not stop. We will continue to try and see if we are doing something wrong. He does love just the hoverboard though and can zip around on that. So far he just sticks to the carpeted hallway where he can hold on to the wall if needed. As he gets more comfortable, he will move to more open spaces. We had some issues with the directions and charging. According to the directions, when plugged in, the light on the hoverboard should be yellow. When actually plugged in, there is no light on the hoverboard. We gave it time and charged it until the red light on the charger turned green. I don't know how long hoverboards should last after being fully charged but we don't get very long out of this one. Maybe an hour of actual riding (not all at the same time) and then it starts beeping that it needs to be charged again. I had higher hopes that this cart would be more fun for my grandson- I am not sure why it does not stop when following the directions to pull back on the handles. We will keep trying to see if we are doing something wrong.
Gold Attribute: {'Color': 'black'}
Review Image:Product Title: Hover-1 My First Hoverboard Combo - Black