Review ID: 79917
Mention: blender
Review Text: Good Things Come In Small Packages. First off, let me say this, if you think this is a do I it all blender, its not! But what it is and what its designed to do, were well thought out by Oster.
My son is sixteen years old, he is 6'11" and plays in the band (I'm joking) he plays basketball. He is also a Type 1 Diabetic that struggles to gain weight. We had purchased a "high dollar" blender to help create the protein shakes his endocrinologist suggested we use, that are healthy and will help him gain weight. The problem was, it took us only a couple of minutes to prepare them, and what seemed like hours to clean the thing.
Not this! And that's the plus, I still use the frozen berries, fruit, etc. that we used in the bigger, higher priced blender, and the Oster My Blend has no issues mixing it all together. And as an added plus, it takes up very minimal counter space compared to the other. Now, he makes the protein shake, uses the same cup to drink it in. With the My Blend, I can remove the blade and clean it as well, the other the blade is attached to the seal, and has very small crevices that take forever to get clean.
Again, the blender container, which is in reality a 20 oz. BPA free sports bottle that comes w/ a lid, is a grand idea. You simply fill the cup w/ whatever you wish, line up the arrows on the blender base, turn until it locks into place. Plug it in, hit the ONLY button on the base and it begins to blend.
This is not a HIGH DOLLAR blender, this is a simple made, simple to use, simple to clean personal blender, that I highly recommend.
Predicted Product: 1
Gold Product: 28057
Gold Product in HTML: 1
Gold Product Position in Candidate List sorted by Fused Score: 2
Attribute: {'Brand': 'oster', 'Color': 'silver', 'Blender Type': 'countertop blenders', 'Capacity': '20 ounces', 'Color Category': 'silver'}
Predicted Attribute match: {'Product Name': 'Blender', 'Brand': 'Oster', 'Control Type': 'Button'}
Predicted Attribute gpt: {'Brand': ['Oster', 'Oster', 'Oster']}
Predicted Attribute ocr: {'Wattage': ['400 watts'], 'Brand': ['oster', 'oster'], 'Series': ['go', 'go']}
Review Image: